Self Represented Litigants

in Family Law

We help self represented litigants navigate the family court system, avoiding mistakes

and achieving better outcomes at an affordable price.

If you want to find out if this membership program, coaching or unbundled legal service is a good fit for you, book a call below and let’s have a chat

The court process can be overwhelming and complicated at times.  We can provide you with knowledge, support and a roadmap to move through the system to help you level the playing field to achieve a better outcome or stay out of it in the first place.

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What can Family Law Assist offer you?

  • Affordable Membership Program called Family Courts: How to self represent with Jacqui Griffin will be opening soon

  • Legal Coaching/advice with Jacqui Griffin

  • Unbundled Legal Services

Membership program: Family Courts: How to self represent with Jacqui Griffin

The membership for the program, Family Courts: How to self represent with Jacqui Griffin will be opening soon.

There will be an introductory offer for the first three months for those who join at $9.99 a month.

The membership program will contain regular podcasts on Spotify and resources that match that will have straightforward steps on how to do the tasks in family law that you need to do if you can come to an agreement and avoid court or the tasks if you can’t and need to go to Court. There will be completed examples of the court forms that you need to do for the different steps.

Legal Coaching and the Roadmap with Jacqui Griffin

Legal coaching with Jacqui Griffin will be able to give you some advice about your own matter and what you can expect to happen in the future. , Initially, a written ‘roadmap’ can be done using our Court checklist as a guide to get you started.. We want you to start or continue self repping with confidence so you know where you are going with your matter and what you are expected to do, when and how. We can talk on the phone or on Zoom at your convenience. Jacqui can be available to talk to you during the duration of your court matter eg before a Court event or even in the middle of it if you need some urgent assistance.

The ‘roadmap’ can be a one-off service and is charged at $350 which involves a chat with Jacqui Griffin and written advice about your matter that incorporates a checklist to keep you on track.

Unbundled Legal Services and the Roadmap

You might decide that the membership might or might not be for you as you want a bit more assistance from a lawyer than just learning family law yourself or a bit of coaching here and there. You may want more of the legal tasks done by a lawyer.

Unbundled legal services are legal services from a lawyer who will assist you with some advice and strategy, draft or edit legal documents such as affidavits, Applications, Subpoenas etc and you can still be a self-represented litigant. There may be times in your family law matter that you want a lawyer on the record, eg just leading up to a court event and appear at court and then after Court stop acting for you, this can be done. It is just a matter of having a chat and work out what you think you want a lawyer to do and what you can do to save you money.

Membership, Coaching and Unbundled Legal Services, Roadmaps

It is possible to incorporate all three of the services offered by Family Law Assist. The affordable membership allows you to learn to do some of the legal tasks yourself, you can get a bit of coaching now and then to check that you are on the right path as well as having the option of having a lawyer do some of the more difficult legal tasks or appear in court if you want. You can continue to self represent and keep control of your own matter using these services and save money on legal fees in the process.

So, to start the ball rolling with the membership, coaching or unbundled legal services please send us an email at: or use the online calendar to book a free 15 consultation to see if these services are a good fit for you.

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 Family Law Assist is designed for  self represented litigants to navigate the family court system,  avoid mistakes and achieve better outcomes

With Family Law Assist you will be able to:


Afford quality legal assistance

Some people can’t afford or don’t want to pay expensive legal fees to a lawyer.  This service allows you to get quality resources and legal assistance at reasonable prices

Avoid Mistakes

Get coaching and assistance  with  access to quality legal resources. We will help you avoid mistakes such as filling in the wrong court document or not knowing what you are supposed to be doing on a  Court date

Level the Playing Field

Getting coaching and assistance with  access to quality legal resources will help you level the playing field by becoming more confident and skilled as a self represented litigant so you can  achieve a better outcome.





 Family Law Assist has been tailored just for self represented litigants.

I hope our legal coaching and support program is a step towards affordability and achieving a more level playing field for all